Why Parking-Xpert.com?
Adequate parking is a necessary component contributing to the success of any building project.
Parking structures are expensive, Above ground structures can cost $20,000 to $30,000 per parking space (not
including land and soft costs). Underground parking can be double that cost. The square feet of parking floor area
often is as much as the amount of floor area for an office building. Right-sizing parking is important for the financial
viability of a new construction project. There is recent speculation in the parking industry that parking requirements
will reduce in the future due to ride sharing, automated vehicles, transit-oriented developments that increase public
transit use, and micro-mobility services (scooters, short-distance bike rentals, etc.) A parking professional is on top of
those issues.
Parking facility costs can be minimized with more efficient parking layouts (i.e. less square feet per stall) that are
tailored to the current size of the automobile population. An experienced parking professional can provide that
expertise. In addition, the parking structure must have easy access and the internal traffic flow must be easily
understood and have sufficient access design and internal flow capacity to serve the peak arrival/departure traffic
flow for the users of the facility. Sporting event peak traffic as well as cinema, theater, and concert events can also
have challenging peak traffic flows. The facility should be user friendly with high ceilings, bright lighting, open
interiors, and easily understood signage. Parking-Xpert.com has designed and managed over 600 parking projects of
up to 10,000-car capacity that will optimize the design of your facility.